To Better Understand Future Energy Demand and CO2 Emissions for Develop Potential Pathways to 2060 Carbon Neutrality (CN)
A CO2 emission inventory of the GBA in 2019. It can help the analysis of the energy consumption characteristics and CO2 emission patterns, energy structure, and transportation structure of each city in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area (GBA).
An energy-economic-technical model suitable for the GBA will be constructed. It will be an effective tool to the Hong Kong and Chinese government to simulate the policy impacts of 2030 carbon emission peaking and 2060 CN.
This project will conduct future scenario-based analysis of energy consumption and CO2 emission of the GBA, identify the detailed distribution emission sources, and map out potential climate change mitigation pathways of the GBA to reach 2030-2060 Targets.
To Develop an Up-to-Date Emission-Projection Model to Envision Future Spatiotemporal Air Pollutants in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area (GBA) for Meeting the 2030-2060 Targets
Conduct CMIP6-WRF dynamical downscaling experiments over the GBA to obtain the future projected climate scenarios (2030, 2040, 2050, 2060).
Develop an up-to-date emission-projection model based on refined baseline anthropogenic and biogenic emissions in the GBA.
Produce future spatiotemporal air pollutants concentrations to facilitate the health co-benefits and monetary assessment.
To Investigate the Mitigation Cost and Health Co-Benefits of Achieving the CN Target in the GBA
Develop an integrated assessment framework for the GBA and Hong Kong, for both regional and local clean air and climate mitigation policy analysis.
Simulate the long-term socio-economic development pathways of the GBA and Hong Kong considering green recovery, and to evaluate the socioeconomic impacts of the low-carbon transition.
Quantify the physical and monetized health co-benefits of achieving CN through improved air quality of 2030-2060 in the GBA.
Assess the economic impacts of achieving the 2060 CN target with the interdisciplinary.
To Develop an Optimised Climate Policy for the Collective Management of Decarbonisation and Air Quality Improvement
Establish an open online information platform of energy consumption, carbon emission, air quality, and health impact assessment results of the GBA from 2030 to 2060.
Conduct a SWOT analysis to provide a comprehensive assessment of the three pathways designed in Project 1 and their potential air pollution emission, air pollution-related health co-benefits, and economic impact.
Organise public engagements and technical workshops to exchange views on the research findings and collect feedbacks so as to develop an optimised climate policy to achieve a win-win result of 2060 CN.